Yesterday the year 5\6 extension group and some other selected children went to the Maritime Museum to learn about the Hikianalia. It is the Hokule'a's sister waka. They traveled here from Hawaii and next week they will be washing up the shore to the Pt England beach!
First we all got split up into three groups . The helper that was in my group was Miss Tito and we went to the star compass first there was a man and he explained the ways to use it. He showed us that if you are leaving 'la' then you are entering 'la'.
Our second activity was the peace flags. With the peace flags we got a piece of fabric , wrote a message and hoped that when they travel maybe they would show the flag in america or other cool places.
My groups last activity was exploring the Hikianalia ourselves. We got split up into four groups.
I found out that to have a shower they would get a bucket of sea water splash themselves soap up and then splash again then dry themselves isn't that weird?
Hi Cameo well done and I am so happy that you get to learn about the Malama Houna and about the waka.Keep up the good work.